Mrs. Reed's classes held a mock debate during election week. Four candidates ran for president. The two parties representing the people were the Memory Makers and the Snack Squad. Students went through the process of a primary and a general election by registering to vote and submitting their ballots. What a fun way to learn about our civic duty!

The newest issue of "The Monthly Roar" has dropped! Be sure to check it out for highlights from October.

In Ms. Terry’s art class, Junior High students unleashed their creativity and craftsmanship by designing their own unique, crazy hats out of paper as part of an exciting unit on wearable art! 🎨

Congratulations to our 7th grade Tiger Champions! These students were nominated by their teachers for their outstanding achievements, leadership, and dedication October. Keep up the great work! 🏆🐯

Congratulations to our 8th grade Tiger Champions! These students were nominated by their teachers for their outstanding achievements, leadership, and dedication in October. Keep up the great work! 🏆🐯

Due to forecasted inclement weather, ALL after-school activities for today (November 4th) will be canceled. The Black & Gold basketball game will be postponed to a later date.

According to forecasts, we are expecting unstable weather patterns this afternoon. We are monitoring this situation to determine if any changes in dismissal are needed and if there will be a need to postpone the Black & Gold Basketball game this afternoon. Updates will be communicated via our app & website as we get more information.

Check out our November At A Glance!

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) Week is in full swing at the JH! This week, students got to choose from 16 STEAM challenges to try. Mrs. Walker is hosting "Bridge Building", a challenge that incorporates math and engineering!

Last week, Mrs. Ashley's classes visited the library for a plagiarism lesson. Students learned about different types of plagiarism and discussed how to avoid them! 🗨️Ask your child about mosaic or verbatim plagiarism!

The library hosted Dr. Jarred Phillips from the University of Arkansas last week. He is a history professor (and also Cass's dad, NBD. 😁) He spoke to Mrs. Reed's 7th Grade Honors classes about election history and the election process. 🗨️ Ask your student the electoral college!

Next week is Red Ribbon Week, and we’re excited to come together to promote healthy, drug-free choices. Let’s have a fun week showing our support for healthy choices. Go PG Tigers!

First quarter report cards are now available for viewing on HAC. If you are unable to access your HAC account, please email our counselor at amber.stucki@pgtigers.org.

The holiday season is quickly approaching. We have partnered with organizations who are eager to help us provide gifts and necessities to families in need. If you need assistance this year, please fill out the form below. Space is limited - all applications will be reviewed and participants will be contacted. Forms must be completed by October 25. Assistance is for Prairie Grove School District students only.

On Friday due to Homecoming activities, all students who are going to be checked out MUST be checked out by 12:15 as we will close the office at that time until after the parade. Also, a student can NOT be checked out from the pep rally. Thanks!

Stay in the loop with our newsletter!

There will be no school Tomorrow, Monday, October 7 due to a Teacher PLC day.

Dear Prairie Grove Families and Community,
We want to inform you about a situation that occurred late this afternoon involving a threat made against the school and our students.
We were made aware of a Snapchat post by a junior high student that included a serious threat. Thanks to the quick actions of our students and staff, law enforcement was immediately notified. Officers quickly identified the student, who was taken into custody for questioning.
The Prairie Grove School District is committed to the safety of our students and staff. As a precaution, we are taking extra safety measures to ensure a secure environment for everyone. We want to reassure you that we are being diligent and working closely with law enforcement to maintain the safety of our schools as our top priority.
We are grateful to everyone who acted swiftly to report this incident, helping to protect our students and community.
Prairie Grove District Safety Team

Today is National School Custodian Day! We want to thank Darlene & Steve for their hard work in keeping our school safe and clean, and for helping us all to have a school we can be proud of!
#CustodianAppreciation #AroundPGSD

Congratulations to our incredible Library Media Specialist, Blake Baker, for being named Teacher of the Month! Blake goes above and beyond to support fellow teachers and students, making learning fun and accessible for everyone. Thank you for your creativity, dedication, and commitment to excellence in our school community! 🐾
#PGJHS #BeSomeonesChampion