PGES Back to School Plan

PGES Back to School Plan


We are so excited to welcome your child to PGES! Our back to school plan follows guidance from the CDC, ADH, Arkansas Department of Education and Prairie Grove School District. Please know that this plan is subject to change. 


  • Students and staff will screen on their own prior to entering the building. 

  • Students and staff will wear a mask and sanitize hands when entering the building. 

  • The building will open at 7:30 am. As students arrive they will walk to their classroom. Bus riders will enter through the cafeteria and car riders will enter through the front door. 

Recess, Encore, and Special Classes

  • All students will go to recess and encore with their class daily. The playground and courtyards will be divided into zones to limit the number of students in close contact. 

  • Special class and encore teachers will travel to the general education classroom when appropriate. 


  • Floor and table decals will be utilized to encourage social distancing.

  • Hallway transitions will be kept to a minimum. 

  • Frequently touched items will be sanitized often. (light switches, door handles, tables, etc). 

Masks and Water Bottles

  • All students and staff will be required to wear masks when social distancing is not feasible. 

  • Every student will be provided a mask by district. Your child may choose to wear their own personal mask rather than the school purchased mask. 

  • All students will need a personal water bottle. Water fountains will be turned off, but water bottle filling stations will be utilized. Please label your child’s water bottle with their name, grade, and teacher name. 


  • Breakfast will continue to be eaten in the classroom. Staff will pass out breakfast to students. Students will sanitize hands before eating and will take off their mask while eating. 

  • The cafeteria lunch times will be staggered to ensure proper cleaning. Students will sit two to a table, socially distanced. 

  • The cafeteria will utilize a “grab and go” approach, rather than self serve. 

Visitors and Volunteers

  • To ensure the health and safety of our students and staff, no visitors or volunteers will be permitted at this time. 


  • Face masks will be required by all students and staff when social distancing is not feasible. Mask breaks will be scheduled throughout the day. 

  • Students will sanitize hands frequently. 

  • Desks and tables will be spaced out as close to the recommended six feet as possible. 

  • Frequently touched items will be sanitized often. 

  • Students will use individual supplies. 


  • Walkers will be dismissed first, followed by car riders and bus riders. Dismissal will begin at 3:00.